Education Insurance scheme is a savings plan that combines life cover and investment, with the aim of building capital to ensure the child’s education

Target Audience?

This plan is aimed at parents and people up to 65 years of age who want to contribute to the achievement of their grandchildren’s goals.

What does it cover?

In the event that the insured parent dies before the child’s studies begin, it will pay the family the specified amount paid by the parent as well as the life cover amount in the parent’s insurance and in addition to the child the specified income that you provide until the end of the contract.

What does it offer?

Our innovative Study plan offers the benefit of creating a trust for the benefit of the child which allows the trustee parent to collect the investment value of the policy if the child does not wish to study, or interrupts his studies without reason as well as avoiding future interruptions which will bring unexpected great financial worries to parents.

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